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Faithfulness - Part 1

Did you know the Bible lists many men and women who were faithful to God? We can learn a lot from their walk with God and their obedience to Him. Check out the heroes of faith:

Hebrews 11:4 - Abel

Lesson to Learn: When we obey God's command and bring God the very best with a glad and joyful heart, we are being faithful to Him and it makes God happy. Just as we love to see our children, grandchildren, niece or nephew, or even a strangers child do the right thing and obey, God loves when we obey Him, it is an act of love and brings joy to the heart.

Hebrews 11:5-6 - Enoch

Lesson to Learn: When we please God by being faithful and obedient to Him, He blesses and rewards us (if not on earth, in heaven). It is only possible to please God when we are faithful to Him.

Hebrews 11:7 - Noah

Lesson to Learn: We should have a godly/holy fear of God, through this we will honor God. When we are faithful, we have to stand firm against the world and Satan's attacks. We cannot be of this world and live passively but claim to be a follower of God, who is holy and pure. If we are to be a follower of God and fear Him, then we also have to live in the spirit, proclaim His Word, and stand against sin and evil.

Hebrews 11:8-12, 17-19 - Abraham

Lesson to Learn: To be faithful, we have to obey God with all our heart, mind, and soul. If God tells us to go, we are to immediately go without complaining or hesitating. If God tells us to stay and allows hardship into our lives, then we are to remember that He has a plan and His ways are not our ways, remaining steadfast in faith till the end. No matter what God tells us to do or allows in our lives, He is sovereign and almighty. Everything is for a purpose, all pieces of the puzzle make up the big master picture He has planned. Trust in Him and His Word, and obey God each and every day. For we only see a dim picture now, but one day all will be revealed and made perfectly clear. Also, remember, God can do ANYTHING He wants, do not limit God by our standards or earthly conditions! He is the Creator, leaves everything up to Him and in His hands.

Hebrews 11:20 - Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau in regard to their future.

Lesson to Learn: The Bible commands us to leave an inheritance for the next generation. If we are to be faithful, we need to demonstrate faithfulness to our children and bless their lives. The world is not about ourselves, it is about all collectively as a human race. We are not one human, we are a unity of believers, set apart for a godly purpose, designed to live in a community, not in solitude. Think about others and the younger generation's future.

Hebrews 11:21 - Jacob

Lesson to Learn: Being faithful does not have a time limit, age limit, or expiration date. Therefore, continue to be faithful to God, never stop or retire. Continue to pour into your children and the younger generation, by demonstrating faithfulness to God and blessing their lives.

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