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Thanksgiving Blessings

November 28th, 2019 is Thanksgiving Day in the United States of America. We celebrate this day to symbolize our many blessings and to thank God for all He has provided. The Pilgrims were Christians. They left England to come to America in order to have religious freedom and worship Jesus as their Lord and Savior. With the help of the Native American Indians, the Pilgrims were able to learn the skills needed to survive and make a home. The "first" Thanksgiving in America, was to honor God and praise Him for His blessings and mercies, and to celebrate with their Native American Indian friends. As a country, we have forgotten the true history this country was founded on and the true meaning of Thanksgiving. Let's not completely erase our past, or forget our foundation, we are one nation under God.

This Thanksgiving, think about all of the blessings you have had this year, think about all God has done for you and provided, and share with your family and/or friends what you are thankful for. Spend this day as a time of praise and remembrance. Lift up your thanksgiving to God and truly honor Him with praise. I will share some of my thanksgivings for this year:

1. For getting me out of my comfort zone and starting this ministry.

God had placed this in my heart long ago, but by the time I realized it, I was not quite ready as I still had some obedience lessons and growth spurts to go through. After God opened my eyes and taught me vital lessons and the growth pains passed, God filled a passion in me for this ministry and gave me the confidence and strength needed to start it. I am thankful for those difficult moments and seasons in my life that led me to fulfill one of God's plans for my life and the greatest honor to glorify Him. We have to go through the fire to burn off the impurities so we can truly live the life God has for us, a life that is pleasing and faithful to God. Sometimes that fire seems to almost consume us and sometimes we fight it to where we have to burn off more than we would have needed to (stubbornness & hardheadedness), but have faith and be encouraged knowing that God is working things out for our good and His glory and that this is a necessary process to truly be faithful stewards of Jesus Christ.

2. For God's mercy and grace.

Mercy to forgive me every day, although I definitely don't deserve God's forgiveness, He waits with open arms for me to come to Him and repent and when I do He doesn't judge or condemn me but freely forgives and removes that sin as far as the east is from the west. Grace to bless me more than I deserve, God has greatly blessed me with a Christian family, health, shelter, food, being able to travel and fulfill one of my dreams, meeting wonderful Christian brothers and sisters in Christ who are a rare gift in this world, saving me from making wrong choices, harmful situations, and protecting me, I could go on and on with all the blessings that I can think of and honestly God blesses me with things I don't even know. He is a loving, compassionate, perfect God that loves to pour blessings on His children.

3. You!

I am so thankful for you. For the support and encouragement through text, blog comments, and Facebook messages. Thank you for being a part of this ministry and for your kind and instructive words that have helped fuel and grow Agape Wisdom. I am truly grateful for each person that participates! Next year will be a great year, there are many exciting things that will be announced throughout 2020 starting in the first quarter, so stay tuned. I am so excited about what God is doing and will do with this ministry and for the people that are encouraged, convicted, healed, uplifted, and witnessed to, through this platform. We will never know all the lives we touch on earth until we get to heaven, so keep on sharing and spreading the Word of God and together let's live out what a true family of believers means! <3


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1 Comment

Pamela Richardson
Nov 25, 2019

Thank you, Carina, for your faithfulness and inspirations this year. God bless you and Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!



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